Career Connection's Mission
Our mission is to connect local talent (those seeking employment) to the local workforce (employers seeking talent). We accomplish this by ensuring appropriate education and training programs are in place, establishing internships, connecting students with mentors and by linking people to other local resources and events we support. In doing so, we increase local economic development and we keep those we love around us!
For many of our members, our mission is relatively straight-forward: to provide job leads and meaningful information and support during the job search process. For others it is more complex: providing them with tools, contacts and professional development opportunities to help them in their quest for “lifetime career management.”
With networking a prominent focus, Career Connections has developed strong relationships with many companies, trade and professional associations, as well as civil groups and social networks.
Career Connections offers its members support and confidentiality in a structured, professional setting. Those interested in furthering their career or facing a career transition can greatly benefit from active participation in Career Connections.
We Can Help You Find Your Next Job
Career Connections is committed to helping you find your next "best ever" professional job. Whatever path led you to want or need another opportunity, We Can Help! And no matter how prepared you are for this journey, we can show you ways to reach your goal faster and easier.
We are professionals helping other professionals through the haze that can paralyze, confuse and frustrate your efforts to develop successful strategy to find your next job. No matter where you are in your job search we can help.
Job Search Education and Training
Here are a few samples of the topics we offer:
- Making your resume stand out and beat the competition
- Using social media sites like LinkedIn to be found
- Develop an effective personal brand
- Prepare & succeed in a interview
- Stay positive, motivated and upbeat
Upcoming Wednesday Sessions
Join us each week on Wednesday for our weekly meeting where we will have a speaker, job announcements and much more. For first time guests join us at 9:00 am for New Member Orientation. The main meeting starts at 10:00 am and ends at 12:00 noon.