Liberty Hill Chamber of Commerce Board 2014
I served on the Liberty Hill Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors as President from 2011-2014.

Liberty Hill Hires the First City Manager
President, Valerie Zapien and Chairman, David Pope with the Liberty Hill Chamber of Commerce welcome the first Liberty Hill City Manager.

Attendee at Texas Chamber of Commerce Executives
President of Liberty Hill Chamber of Commerce with President, Mary Bradshaw, Leander Chamber of Commerce

Liberty Hill Christmas Festival Donation from the Liberty Hill Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber asks the local elementary students to create posters to advertise the community Christmas Festival. The art teacher receives a donation for coordinating the project.

Donation from Chamber to Liberty Hill Elementary School
The Chamber asks the local elementary students to create posters to advertise the community Christmas Festival. The art teacher receives a donation for coordinating the project.

Liberty Hill Visitor's Center/Chamber of Commerce
Valerie Zapien headed the committee responsible for the first Liberty Hill Visitor's Center for the Liberty Hill Chamber of Commerce. Lion's Club.

Hilltop Grand Opening
Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting coordinated by Valerie Zapien of the Liberty Hill Chamber of Commerce.

Liberty Hill Chamber Lunch and Learns
Valerie Zapien coordinating a monthly lunch and learn for the Liberty Hill Chamber of Commerce.

Light the Way Grant from PEC for the Liberty Hill Chamber of Commerce
Representing Liberty Hill Chamber of Commerce at the PEC Light the Way Banquet.

First Educational Progress Report for Liberty Hill, Texas
Valerie Zapien and Randy O'Dell were instrumental in collaborating with the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce and the Liberty Hill School District to create the first Educational Progress Report for the district.

Networking for Liberty Hill Dental
Representing Dr. Thad Gillespie at the Leander Chamber of Commerce Lunch and Learn for Liberty Hill Dental.

Leander Chamber of Commerce Collaboration
Valerie Zapien was a key player in helping form a strong collaboration with the Leander Chamber of Commerce.

2012 Liberty Hill Chamber Board of Directors
Chris Ramstedt, Sandy Schultz, Bob Calvisi, Jason Stanley, Teri, David Pope, Valerie Zapien and Kim Dirner.

PEC Light the Way Ceremony 2014
Valerie Zapien represented the Liberty Hill Chamber of Commerce to receive a $1000 grant.

Jingle Bell Run

5K and Fun Run 2010
First 5K coordinated by Valerie Zapien, Body and Soul Ministry through Fellowship Church.

Biggest Loser Competition
Coordinated by Valerie Zapien at Fellowship Church in Liberty Hill, Lead for Body and Soul Ministry.

Liberty Hill Dental Supports Project Graduation
Volleyball Tournament

Health and Wellness Committee
Valerie Zapien coordinates the first health and wellness committee for the Liberty Hill Chamber of Commerce.

Photographer for Liberty Fit Festival
Student Health Advisory Council Coordinates the first ever, health, wellness and safety festival for Liberty Hill, Texas.