healthy lifestyles

7 Tips for Achieving Balance in Your Life Now!

*Tip 1

One tool I use with my clients to achieve balance is walk and talk.  We go for a walk outside to brainstorm and discuss plans for your business.  This allows us be productive with our work, exposes us to fresh air and Vitamin D, and serves as exercise.  If we don't physically feel well, our business will never achieve its full potential and neither will we.

*Tip 2

Actually plot out the number of hours you want to spend each day doing specific tasks.  For example, I want to sleep 7 hours a night.  I need to exercise and get ready for the day, 2 hours.  I need to eat meals, 1 hour.  I need to run errands and take kids to extracurricular activities, 3 hours.  I need to work, 6 hours.  I need to spend quality time with my kids, 1 hour.  I need to spend quality time with my husband, 1 hour.  I need to get kids ready for bed and clean house,  2 hours.  I need time to myself to do whatever relaxes me, 1 hour.  This equals 24 hours.

*Tip 3

Take a sub-lingual B12 supplement, twice a day, instead of drinking caffeine for energy.  I lied.  I drink caffeine too.

*Tip 4

Buy a HydroFlask water bottle off  Believe me, it will be the best water bottle you will ever find and is well worth the $40 investment.  The water tastes so great because it stays cold.  If you are like me, you need water to be cold in order to enjoy drinking it!

*Tip 5

Listen to podcasts on your phone, if you don't have a walking buddy.  You can actually listen to free trainings about social media or anything you are interested in while you are exercising.  The podcasts usually have show notes you can download too, so you don't have to worry about writing anything down.

*TIP 6

Stretch.  As I have aged, I have come to realize, my body works a lot better, if I stretch after exercising everyday.  I do it while I watch something I have recorded on tv or while I look at Facebook or my emails on my phone.  My cat loves to cuddle with me when I am sweaty for some reason!!

*TIP 7

Give back to your community.  We all have a gift and/or passion.  Share it with the people in your community.


More to come.....In the meantime, feel free to sign up for my newsletters or email me tips to share with everyone!